Originally Posted by Z_ealot
driver is ok thankfully from what i hear just bruises and lacerations on his face, but im more worried about the bike rider the driver ran over as from all accounts that particular biker was just going to check on his buddy that did the brake check and make sure he was ok and wasnt involved in the initial assault on the range rover. i just hope he makes it out alive although from what they're saying he's most likely going to be paralyzed if he makes it, just sucks he chose to hang around with a bunch of dumbasses.
Yeah, and I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you if you believe that one!
If your friends decide to rob a bank while you happen to be in the car with them, well guess what? Your *** is going to jail.
Those guys should be thankful this didn't happen in TX. There would be a lot of dead bikers on the highway and their families would have gotten invoices to pay for the cleanup.