Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Biker Speaks Out on Biker - SUV Incident in NYC | RTM - RightThisMinute
SUV driver passed the group and cut off one of them, per one of the riders. He also claims injuries to more of the bikers, but that hasn't been supported by any other news. Then Dbag 1 brake checks the SUV and it goes downhill from there. Although, given the group's history, I'd take any of their testimony with a large grain of salt.
Even IF I assumed these bikers were telling the truth... Um... People get cut off ALLLLLLLL the time, what, have these guys never been cut off before? They haven't had to deal with a bit shitty drivers? Isn't it THEIR prerogative to get back on the bike day after day?
Taking that into account, brake checking the guy is the next logical plan of action??? What did you think would happen??? I guess that from 4 feet away, the RR driver, because he's Asian, has the reflexes of a god damn ninja.
Um, no... He's going to hit you, and HONESTLY, you should be happy you were hit OFF your bike, not UNDER his beast, because in my eyes, that biker's head should've been under a Michelin.