Wow, I'm amazed they aren't prosecuting the 2 guys... That's kinda BS...
And just to throw my 2 cents into the fountain. If there is a biker gang, or any gang or just a bunch of DBag drivers doing what these guys were doing to me and my wife and child. I'd run over them, I'd shoot them, I'd do ANYTHING in my power to keep them safe. And YES I do think he gets Carte Blanc. You want him to go, oh, so you're beating on my car and windows while your 30 buddies are surrounding my car. Mmmhmmmm, let me selectively run people over to get the fùck out... No... Just get the fùck out...
"Innocent" guy was run over, sorry, your group picked on innocent guy to fùck with, I guess it sucks it was you, but it sucks you guys chose him in the first place.
And if me and my moron friends were the bikers trying to harass a guy in a car, let alone a RANGE ROVER, I wouldn't be standing anywhere near the front of it.
And this is a bit prickish to post because I DO support the armed forces. But if the driver should be charged for injuring/killing/paralyzing an "innocent" guy, we should be prosecuting every troop or bomber who killed an innocent civilian.
I disagree, it's war, shít happens, and the driver of the car was in his own war.
He gets a cool pass by me.
Also, I have family members who are bikers. Just saying
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