Originally Posted by bdavis89
If it wasn't slashed or tampered with then the tire manufacturer is about to have a massive recall.
Assumptions like that are unlikely to stand up in court. It's entirely possible the tire went flat running over the massive NY potholes at speed. It's also possible that he flattened his own tire running over a motorcycle.
This uncertainty is likely why they are unlikely to press charges (against the driver or the bikers). What happened in the initial stop is critical to determining where charges can stick.
If I'm the driver, I defend my case by saying tires were slashed in the initial altercation and feared for my life/that of my family. I walk.
If I'm the maybe-tire-slashing-biker, I point out that you cannot see any indication that I slashed the tires. There's video of the altercation but no indication of tire slashing. There's nothing to say you didn't flatten them while shattering my buddies femur. I also walk.