Originally Posted by synolimit
All I read from this is blah blah blah I'm a pussy who can't stunt and I'm scared to even try. Get over yourselves people. Nothing's gonna hurt you for a minute sitting in traffic while people have fun.
dude, it's a PUBLIC road, you wanna play on a road go to a freaking track...this kind of stunt these dumbasses pulled is the type of thing i worried would happen when they shut down an highway like this for their own selfish use, and if you actually watch the video in HD full screen you can see the reason the range rover sped off in the first place was cause one of the bikers took it upon himself to try and yank the drivers door open pretty aggressively which to anyone sitting in that guys shoes would have been a pretty good reason to get the **** out of there as clearly they were already past the point of talking it out and were already ready to beat the crap out of the guy in the range rover for something one of their dumbasses caused in the first place with the whole brake check 5 feet off the guys bumper.