Originally Posted by rench
Don't let em drill imo.... thats the easy way (thats what cheap used car lots get done and just plug the hole in the end of the door and move it on, I couldn't live with a hole)....door panels aren't that hard to get off. I don't have any experience with the others you mentioned.
You have to be kidding!

......I had it done because the ding was right above the flat edge of the rear wheel well of the panel. The guy drilled a small 1/8" hole at the door seal to put the rod in and got the dent out. Then he painted the inside edge of the drilled hole with matching paint to seal the exposed metal and then put a small 1/4" flat black plug into the hole. When the door is closed you can't see the plug at all. And when the door is open it looks like a small black plu that was put there by the manufacturer.
It looks invisible and doesn't even distract from the car at all.