Originally Posted by jpit
Three things to consider: 1) dynos show that they don't add any power; 2) Many owners stay away from oiled air filters; 3) bob the oil guy has tested K&N filters and while they flow better than other filters they aren't very good at filtering the air.
1. Dynos show they do add about 3 to 5 RWHP.
2. There are many more oiled air filters in use than dry filters.
3. Yes they do flow better and as for "not very good at filtering air" that's a load of
. Oil filters have been in use since the early 1960's and there has NEVER EVER been the failing of any engine as a result of using oiled air filters, so their filtering must be doing something right.
You know I first remember when this misnomer about oiled filters inability to filter the air well first started.....it was when the first manufacturer of those thin rubber filter covers first hit the market about a decade ago. All of a sudden all their advertising propaganda suddenly sprang up overnight. And like the usual thing that happens...some armchair uninformed reader picks up the advertisement and then starts to propogate it all over the auto forums...and then pretty soon the false misnomer becomes "the truth" as a result of just the shear volume of spreading it all over the web.