Originally Posted by andre12031948
So let me get this straight, ACA/Obamacare is not needed for the people on welfare but aimed at lower to middle incomes that don't have insurance. Right??? Then why do I hear on the news that Obamacare can only succeed if the young & healthy pay for most of it. Right??? Wouldn't most of the young fall into the lower & middle income category???
Am I missing something, because now I don't seem to know where the money for the ACA is coming from?????? I'm not playing stupid. Help.
You're right. The young healthy middle incomes have to shoulder most of the burden. That's exactly the same as any other insurance. In order for the older sicker people to be able to be covered, their costs have to be subsidized by the people less likely to require the insurance companies to pay for care.
That's why they need so many younger health people involved, to spread the costs of the older people over a larger pool of premium payers.