Originally Posted by andre12031948
As far as Obama care, it will be another huge govt. bureaucracy paid by the WORKING TAX PAYERS that will support people with families or not, that have NOT worked or paid taxes a single time in their lives. Let's take the guy that spends his days selling drugs in the park. He has all the time in the world & will be able to go to YOUR doctor AHEAD of you. Also the Government TODAY already pays for FREE cab service to people that don't earn/report making a living/paying taxes.
A bit lot of inaccuracies in there. Obamacare is funded by taxes, no one is arguing that. Those that can benefit from the program are working tax payers, it's not a form of welfare that Faux News has made it out to be. This won't effect the guy selling drugs on the street. The act is to provide health insurance to those who work legally, not welfare....that's an entirely separate issue. I don't know where you got your information, but the ER doesn't triage based on insurance. I also don't understand what cab rides have to do with anything, true or not. Furthermore, the budgeted amount that was suppose to fund educating the public on how Obamacare would work was defunded by GOP leaders to undermine the implementation. They want to see it fail before it ever gets off the ground. That's why we're on the verge of a likely government shut down. While some idiot is reading Dr.Seuss in the middle of Congress, government employees that keep this country running are left waiting and wondering if they have work the next few weeks. There needs to be a debate on what can and can't work. What they shouldn't do is use government employees and services hostage because they're not getting what they want. It's the equivalent of some kid threatening to hold their breath if they don't get their way. Obama is basically telling them to go ahead and do it until they turn blue in the face.
I have plenty of gripes with those that manipulate the health care system. I have doctors and nurses in my family that experience it first hand. They stay in hospitals and see it as a hotel. They know that hospital can't discharge them if they're having chest pains for example. My gf is a nurse and every time she comes home, she tells a story of yet another guy who's verbally and sometime physically abusive to the nurses and staff....it's usually the guy/girl without a job or medical insurance...gun shot victims, homeless...etc. They come in to the doctor's office with Medicaid while dressed with expensive clothing, jewelry, smartphones, cars etc...Also, not saying it's a racial issue, but they're often African Americans or Hispanic from low income neighborhoods. I'm not saying they're the norm or the exception...I'm just saying it exist and that's what I've personally observed. The sooner we tackle the problem of insuring all those that work and pay taxes, the sooner we can weed out those that go into the ER, stay in the hospital for weeks and don't pay a dime. They're the reason why premiums are so high and why a 3 day hospital stay can easily be billed at around $18k. I think people need to at least read what Obamacare enacts and decide for themselves instead of listening to what the news pundits are proclaiming.