Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
There are really no communist countries. For the most part they are socialist.
While I'm NO fan of Ted Cruz, both sides of the aisle have plenty of blame to share with this mess. Reid is a true clown as well.
A congress that truly isn't accountable to the people is the problem. Everyone loves their local rep; it;'s the other ones that are bad. Seriously need four year term limit for every political office.
When you (congress) have your own pension plan, health care, and basically jobs for life, what's the incentive to do anything but pander to constituents?
Hope things work out for you fed gov't guys. These fools will run it down to the last minute.
I ws under the impression that in a communist country the means of production was nationalized across the board, not so in socialist countries.
You're spot on on the rest. Cruz is just the easiest target at the moment since he's been trying to filibuster. The green eggs and ham stunt is classic.