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Old 09-30-2013, 11:24 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Default here's the problem

Originally Posted by eastwest2300 View Post
"raise the debt ceiling" That's not a good thing. We can't do that when it comes to our personal financing. Also raising the debt ceiling, for those that don't understand, is being allowed to spend more money(again) than the Govt. makes/has. This will end soon because the reason we can do that with minimal hurt now is because the oil producers have a deal with us that ALL payments made by ALL countries is done with U.S. dollars. That is the biggest reason why the dollar still has strength. Unfortunately, the oil producers are seriously thinking (fact!) of dropping the U.S. dollar as the main payment for oil. When that happens, & it will soon, the dollar will fall & everything will jump in price. That's EVERYTHING! So soon most of us will become poor overnight. Not able to afford the things we take for granted today. We will owe/in debt for over 20 trillion dollars by next Pres. election 2016.

As far as Obama care, it will be another huge govt. bureaucracy paid by the WORKING TAX PAYERS that will support people with families or not, that have NOT worked or paid taxes a single time in their lives. Let's take the guy that spends his days selling drugs in the park. He has all the time in the world & will be able to go to YOUR doctor AHEAD of you. Also the Government TODAY already pays for FREE cab service to people that don't earn/report making a living/paying taxes.

That is why the projected costs especially for the young/younger tax payers is very high, and as you know project costs ALWAYS end up higher.

So my friend above
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