Just did this finally! Thanks for the write up

it was tough getting the bumper back on with the big oil cooler lines and the ducting on the passenger side but if you push hard enough, anything will fit lol. I'll report on intake air temps, I've been watching them without the ducting so I'm interested to see if the difference is major.
After going for a cruise and monitoring the new intake air temps, I can confidently say that the ducting for the G3's does work. It is 18 degrees Celcius here today, and after everything was warmed up (oil at 90 degrees, coolant at 83) while idling the intake air temp was around 38-40 degrees Celcius. As soon as I started driving again I could watch it dropping to around 27 degrees, and once moving faster 23 degrees Celcius. That's about where it stayed with Highway driving, 4-5 degrees C hotter than the ambient air temp.
This is a reduction of about 5 degrees from before I had the ducts. (I would see about 28C as the low temp on the hwy given the same ambient temperature) It'll be interesting to see come next summer how close to ambient air temp the IAT stays as I used to see intake temps of 58C when it was 28C outside