so i just realized something.... thank you japanese website for making me feel like a dumass.... so when i first installed my r1 titan brace in the rear... i thought to myself... wow it looks so ugly how the hooks are right on the top? thats why deep down inside i said i should just got the one without the holes... so here i am looking for more jdm crap and i come across this... the person did a review on them.... and i laughed... because it made me realize i installed my brace WRONG... SOB
this was the reference picture...i used i believe it was from the project mothra notice the butt plugs are facing straight up in the air
when it should in fact face like this...
so that the top is clean... with no hooks... i also thought to myself man the harnesses are gonna scratch the brace... NOPE i was just a dumbass and installed mine wrong