Originally Posted by IDZRVIT
I cringe at the new technology car makers are coming out with. The Infinity has accident avoidance for cars "crashing" or whatever, ahead of you that you can't see. What happens when the car triggers a false positive on the freeway at 75 mph in dense traffic? Time to get back to driving a car and not the car driving you.
Not to hi-jack but I must agree with this statement. A warning to tell you about people in front of the guy in front of you? I see the point but how many of you also judge what is happening in front of the guy in front of you as well if you can see? It would appear that the guy is just brake-checking you and could reasonably be thought to cause some major problems. People need to drive their cars instead of texting while driving. All these new features are designed to enable distracted driving.
Anyhow... Back to you.