Originally Posted by L33T Z34
284B7-1BN0A = Intelligent Power Distribution Module, Engine Room (IPDM, ER)
It's ~$500 part.
Now the real question...how does this part fail after a trans install unless you're a totally incompetant tek 
I was thinking the exact same thing. I held the bad csc in my hand and i do not recellect any wires. Its a mechanical part. The one thing i did notice was that my radio security was locked and my presets were all gone so i adsumed that the pulled the battery cables - but also assumes that just standard protocal. The only thing i dont know for sure is what the have to disconnect/remove to get at the csc - maybe there is electrical stuff in the way of the transmission that has to get yanked to get the bell open.
I also dont know why they would replace the entire transmission for a csc ?!?! That makes no sense either. Its a 6 ounce plastic part.
Those mentioning being threatened about clutch replacement, i was threatened too. Didnt bother me none tho because i knew it was fine. i think thats standard and pretty understandable actually. There are alot of dipshits out there who have no business driving a stick. If I sold someone a car i wouldnt warranty the clutch either. A real dummy can kill a brand new clutch in an afternoon. My brother sold a wrx to a kid who learned to drive stick on the way home from buying the car ! He asked for tips so he could get it home an hour and a half away. He killed it by the time he got home.... Haha. I love stories like that. Dumb bastards...