Originally Posted by JARblue
Dressed all the rubber and exterior trim with Adam's Super VRT. After 2.5 years and over 40K miles, everything looks almost new again. It is exactly the result I was hoping for after hearing the hype.
The way it looks on the tires is perfect IMO. I have some Meguiar's Hot Shine that I've used before, but I stopped using it because it was way too glossy for my taste. This is much more of a satin finish. I love that it doesn't make the tires look like they are dressed; it makes them look like they are brand new. I can also confirm no sling at all. If I had to guess, people that get sling want more shine and are applying a heavier coat which doesn't really work. If you want lots of gloss, there are other products out there that will give you your desired look.
I also briefly tested the Adam's Deep Wheel Cleaner on my wife's Acura. It was still dawn this morning, so I couldn't really see much in the way of color change. I was duly impressed at the amount of grime it removed without any agitation. I will have to give it a more thorough test some other time. The smell is a little powerful, but it smells almost delicious (like a mix of candy and cough syrup).
I have been using the Meguair's Endurance tire dressing and am happy with it. It is not too shiny and lasts a while w/o sling.