Thread: 1200 mile trip
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Old 09-22-2013, 09:11 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default 1200 mile trip

Just got back from a 1200 mile trip from Columbus to Williamsburg and back for a wedding. Top down (yes I have a roadster) all the way except for an hour of complete downpour on Friday. Even at 45 miles an hour the car got squirrely a few times. It felt like we were barely moving during that hour. People in WV and VA drive fast. Thank God for Aquapel because using the wipers only made things worse during the downpour. I don't normally drive mine in the rain but if you do, I highly recommend Aquapel.

I averaged 28.9 mpg on the way down and 26.8 on the way home. I was pleased with the mileage considering the sustained speeds I was traveling trying to keep up with the little old ladies in VA. Also of note is that I forgot my sunscreen even though I've owned many convertibles and know better. My face and left arm is torched.

The giant bugs are formidable opponents as they peppered my bumper and windshield all day. Removing them has taken almost an hour of rehydration and then light scrubbing. Yes I brought detailing supplies and removed them on Friday when I arrived in Williamsburg. Two groundskeepers proceeded to cover my car in dust from their blowers moments after I cleaned the car though. Thankfully it rained hard while I was attending the wedding and removed the dust.

I came from an S2000 (which I love) but I was much happier in this car for the long trip. My touring roadster seats are comfortable and have heat to warm my wife's rearend as we sped through the cold mountains of VA and WV. My back would kill after 5 hours in the S2000 and I didn't have that issue after 8 hours in the Z. The ride is much less harsh than my lowered S2000 as well so that is a contributing factor. My wife commented that she is more comfortable in the passenger seat of the Z than her CRV that we usually take on trips.

Overall I think the Z roadster is a great GTS. (Grand Tourer Spider)
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