Originally Posted by Baer383
I had the snow performance meth on it and the car response better with the Torco so I guess that you know where to inject your review. 
I doubt u tested enough to make that conclusion. There are way to many jets, tuning settings in timing, and amounts of torco you could just be dumping into the tank to ever know whats best. Being a scientist you'd have to have a base study, several tanks of each with different amounts, tune each tank like it was the first tune, dyno's for all, it'd take days!
Whats worse than people saying stuff doesn't work they don't use is all you people and your butt dyno's that never show proof and every part anyone ever makes is the most amazing part ever created for any car ever.
When youre ready ill be here waiting for back to back dyno's, logs of timing, and logs of knock vs no knock and then we can all decide if a mind blowing freaking $21-$42 a tank!!!! is worth a few HP on a car with no boost.