It would be easy to overstate the blind spot issues IF you don't have properly adjusted side mirrors as some have pointed out. Most people don't properly adjust side mirrors and I speak from personal experience (I was one of those people for a number of years). Even if you think you might be doing it correctly, it might be worth reviewing the proper method to be sure.
After adjustment, there are no real blind spots, but care must be taken nonetheless. I have a backup camera that I can run anytime (170° view) that I thought I'd use regularly for driving and it turns out to be needed only for backing up. Even then, if you actually turn your head around when you back up, you'll be fine.
Like someone else stated, I was freaked out on my drive home from the dealership, but now it is a great DD. So glad I didn't get anything else. For me, it is a fantastic car all around. It doesn't hurt the ego that people seem to think it is much more exotic than it really is. I have never driven a car that has generated so many compliments and so much curiosity.