Originally Posted by theboydiddy
Didn't read every post, but definitely read the start up. . . Couldn't agree more. Like the site but feels like communism in here. Can't express yourself. Not only can't talk about mods and compare which car would beat what car (without condoning any street race) but you can't even look out to a friend (user) about a cheaper product so he/she can save some money. Nor give the seller an advice to lower his/her price or ask seller to match up the price to a different link you just saw, so you have an opportunity to purchase whatever you were looking for. Nor respond to a friend (user) in the same level as they addressed to you, so you can defend yourself. . .
This forum is more sensitive than a female pregnant of triplets.
But a "cool" forum -__-
(This post will probably get deleted and I'm gonna receive a warning... suspended for a month... All the cute 370zForum stuff)
Let me quote that real quick so this doesn't disappear when your post gets deleted.