Originally Posted by OMGWTFBBQ
I know I'm opening up a can of worms with this statement.. but should have gotten a Porsche. Then again I'm super biased lol.
haha yeah I know where you're coming from on that and deep down there is always that nagging voice in my gut that says, "shoulda bought a porsche!"
And with the prices of used GT3's now a days, it is very tempting but I know I'd be biting off much more than I could chew with a GT3 and even more so with an atom! Long story short, I'm not afraid to admit I need more seat time behind the wheel of any car on the track before I make that kind of investment and truly am able to maximize the car's full potential... Also why I don't think I will be going down the path of FI in the lotus anytime soon, hoosiers yes, FI probably not.