The "secret" known only to the most wealthy and powerful people in the world is...
Accumulate unimaginably high levels of wealth due to a modicum of ability and little or no moral compass with a good dose of luck, OR have a very specific talent that attracts a large, slobbering, but paying crowd, OR inherit it.
Then use that wealth to actively manipulate (or passively ignore) legislation aimed at keeping as much of the wealth as possible concentrated in the hands of those described above, thus securing one's inordinate wealth and power base.
This is especially effective if you also create social norms that convince people their failure to thrive -- let alone reach the elite -- is entirely due to their own lack of ability or effort.
Originally Posted by Ryguy
I have never heard of "The Crying Game" so I cant say.
Basically, its along the lines of Madame Butterfly.