Factory Navigation
I’m looking into ordering a 370z soon, but need advice on the factory Navigation. Ideally, I would like to get it as it really makes the interior stand out and blends well into the overall design, but my concern is the durability of the unit and the high cost of repair/replacement should anything go wrong. I’m planning on keeping the car for a long time, so I would hate to have to deal with this problem down the line, especially considering that the Navigation is a hard drive based system with a limited lifetime and that the warranty period is only 36 months. At least with an aftermarket unit, if a problem ever occurs, I can just swap it out relatively easy and at a reasonable cost. However, the car does looks great with the factory navigation, but is it worth the risk later on considering the high repair cost and the possibility of finding parts 8-10yrs from now?
Any advice is appreciated.