UPDATE: After some more data logging, my buddy and I noticed that the voltage on the bank 1 sensor (at full lean) was peaking at 3 volts while Bank 2 was peaking at 5 volts. Since I have the F.I. LTH's, I had to extend the 02 sensors. To narrow down the problem, I replaced and re-soldered the bank 1 sensor extender and swapped the sensors over (bank 1 to bank 2 and vice versa) The result was that the problem moved from Bank 1 to Bank 2 which, I can only assume, means that the problem is the sensor itself. I am ordering another sensor and hopefully this issue will be solved. Has anyone heard of a brand new sensor doing this?
nismo Z34 12 0209
JTran Motorsports//Stillen//Fast Intentions//EcuTek//Z1 Motorsports//Eibach//BRIDE //Zspeed//Carbon Signal//Houston Halos//Southbend//Whiteline//TWM//NonStopTuning//Doran Racing