There's already another C&C thread but this is merely for gathering names of people that are going to caravan up to Williamsburg. I've personally not attended this one yet so I want to get a trip in before the weather turns. Looks like it'll be in the low 80s next weekend.
The plan is to meet at Starbucks on Independence/Investors Place just south of 264 at 6:30am. Talked to a couple of 350 owners as well and extended the invitation so maybe we'll get a nice group of Zs to roll up. We will leave promptly at 6:35.
If you put your name on the list and I do not know or have yet to meet you I will send you a pm with my contact info so you aren't left hanging if anything changes last minute (storms, inclement weather, etc..)
1. Tigger (John)
2. Ryguy (Ryan)
3. Darketch (Adrian)
4. Voice59 (Kai) 50/50??? He'll let us know. He promised.
