Originally Posted by PapoZalsa
A lot of people don't understand that when your kids were growing up you didn't have the money and time for an extra car. Even that I always had my car and the family car.
Most people once the kids go to college they don't need the truck, van, SUV or 4 door car. So they buy what they want or always wanted.
Now if you downgrade to a Condo or Townhouse is mid-life crisis. Stupid people! That is just jealousy.
And for the lil pee pee, I just would say well just try it if you want to find out.
Exactly, you're either broke because you're raising kids or you need the van or the truck because you're in the home remodel/upgrade phase of life or taking kids to soccer, dance, baseball, football, whatever. Then finally, the kids move out, the remodels are done, you have a little extra cash at the end of the month for the first time of your life so you buy something you actually WANT instead of something you need. Jealous a-holes don't get it. We're here for ya, brother.