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Old 10-22-2009, 08:46 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Default HOMELINK programming RANT...

OK i had the instructions manual and it's either extremely vague or i'm hitting a language barrier.

Witch buttons does it mean to HOLD when it says "Hold the two outer homelink buttons" ; i assumed if you consider the buttons labeled (homelink . , homelink .. and homelink ...) the center then the (homelink .) and (homelink ...) are the two outer buttons. but if you consider your mirror assembly, then the (homelink .) and homelink ..) are the two outter buttons. However if they consider the whole mirror buttom assembly, including compass and autodim, then the compass and homelink. are the two outter buttons....


I tried holding 25seconds+ onto each of the "two outer buttons" combinations and the mirror LED (the only LED i see on the mirror assembly) never ever blinks. no signs of anything.

that was with the car OFF, On, ignition,etc.

The instructions don't specify witch power state the car should be in, it only says to get the car to ON position after you hold witch ever button combination first....

So incredibly vague.

Either i'm not doing it right or my unit is DOA... i havent for a second seen a response from the buttons to the LED on the mirrror. so incredibly frustrating pieze of equipment.

can Someone ring in on witch specific buttons to hold, witch led should blink if it and witch power state. I'm very technically inclined and it just doesnt make sense to me.

---auto-dim and compass functions work.
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