Originally Posted by kenchan
yah, but that's nickles and dimes considering wat it can do.
thanks for the info, madwi.  yah, my house was not designed for such generator and requires village ordinace folks (and HOA) to approve before i can move forward. and that was where we kinda bottlenecked and stopped.
i sent your link to my wife and will see wat needs to be done. if its a huge pita to get this installed i'll probably end up with a honda generator, but if not, i'd prefer to install these natural gas ones. 
I had a Honda generator I think model 3000somethingsomething. I used it for mobile detailing. YOu could run that thing full tilt and it sounded like a whisper 20ft away! It ALWAYS started in 3 pulls and ran like a dream! Oil change is easy too. I have nothing but praise for Honda generators. I actually gave it to my uncle that goes camping alot. I *THINK* they are approved for use in loads of camping places because they are so quiet.