Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
no brother  that a$$hole the only things that they give me now are excuses... but no worries i talk with my old paintshop i they tell be bring that lip here to finish that work... and thats what im going to do... if this saturday the lip its not finished im going to pickup the lip and give it to my old paintshop... Any ways in other things i take the pics that i promise to you of the handles.
what do you think now lol!!!
ahhh, sorry to hear, that's go to be frustrating. almost 3wks gone by no progress.

hope you get that project finished up soon.
hummm...i might prefer the handles with just the factory titanium satin finish since your car is white.

the black/silver is consistent with like the Z side marker so it's not out of place. really up to you i guess.