Originally Posted by ZMan8
Question for you guys. What is the difference between some of the different polorizer filters. There are cheap ones for $7 by tiffen and $88 one by B&W. Any experience with the cheaper ones?
You tend to lose image quality with the really cheap ones. That's why I usually don't bother with any clear filters on my lenses. I'd pick the B&W or Hoya filters over the cheap ones unless you're just experimenting. The cheap filters will work, but they're not worth it if you plan to keep your filters for a while. The cheap ones sometime use plastic instead of glass. Truthfully though, you have to really look and know what to look for to tell the difference when comparing end result images.
Also, if your lenses have different filter sizes, buy the one for your largest lens and get some step down rings to fit the smaller ones. Usually 72mm or 62mm. This way, you don't have to buy more than one filter. The larger filters, obviously, tend to be a bit more expensive.