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Old 09-09-2013, 02:25 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Don't cash the check!! They purposely quote you less than the cost to replace because a lot of people don't care about fixing their cars and just keep the check. If you plan on having your car professionally repaired, NEVER except their offer. Take it to a body shop of your choice and have the body shop bill the insurance company.

The reason insurance companies do this is to keep costs down when people don't care about fixing their cars. People who drive '89 Hondas probably don't care about a dented bumper and wouldn't mind a few extra bucks in their pocket. It's a win/win. But you don't drive an old POS, so get your car fixed properly. Insurance shouldn't give you a hassle. If they do, have a lawyer send them a kind worded letter.
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