I went to Le Mans Karting yesterday in Fremont. I took the Z on a one hour easy, no traffic drive early in the morning (7:45).
I last Karted 40 years ago. I went with my track club, CFRA. Everyone there was an aggressive driver. With 28 drivers we teamed up into 14 teams. My partner won qualifying and then took first place until the driver change. WE needed to work out our change out better. I left in second retook first then after three attempts some yahoo spun me out intentionally.
Now we are in seventh place then third to second back to third for the driver change. My partner was awesome, he took back second which was far from third at this point. Then racing occurred and he was black flagged for bumping someone who brake checked him. Then on the very next lap he was black flagged again for nearly hitting a car, for which he braked. ??

??. WE dropped to seventh.
We changed drivers again and I finished the race in sixth.
It was one heck of a workout. I am sore today a bit in those places I forgot I had muscles.
The drive back took an extra 20 minutes because of traffic. We had the CHP perform a "round robin" in front of us to remove debris off the highway. not a common sight.