Originally Posted by DEpointfive0
Lets break it down, power steering fluid doesn't boil for 99% of users, oil doesn't get to 260+ for 99% of users, and brake fluid doesn't boil for 99% of users.
The "oil cooler" and brake fluid "upgrades" were done YEARS after the car was released, and mainly due to bad press, and the bad press for the brake fluid and pads was from 2009!
They make cars for the 99%, not the 1% who are very aggressive drivers or who are more comfortable taking a long banking right at like 50MPH with 3-5 gallons of the tank left of a 19 gallon tank.

I usually fill up around 3 dots, but I have taken to 1 a few times (not proud of that) and I have never had an issue with fuel starvation. If you drive like an F1 driver, then don't go below half to 1/4 of a tank. Simple as that. It is a 19 gallon tank after all.