Alright lots of good info out here. As far as what has been said
1.) Track your car first get a feel for it, find it's (and your) weakness'
2.) Improve on weakness' (brakes, OIL TEMPS, TRACTION)
3.) Talk to gear heads out there; some of them even race their DD's and could give you better advice on not only prep and maintenance, also they could give actual advice based on their experience on the track. Given that most of them live in the area their cars are tuned for the weather, altitude, some may even have a traffic tune (or Economy mode) tuned in with their Osiris...
4.) Figure out all is said and done, is it really worth it. (I am still trying to figure out wither I want a dyno queen or a reliable track car/DD.)
5.) KEEP FUNDS IN BANK FOR WHEN YOUR CAR BLOWS UP!!! (Cause it will on a stock block; boost is addicting, especially if you have a boost controller, and the "Itch")
All in all, it's up to you. As I typed all of this I realized that I may not F.I. my ride, because (in the words of Dethklok) "I want to keep my money".
 starting over