Originally Posted by kenchan
 cooler weather = moar power!
yah, battery tender and if you want, Sta-bil. i tried it last year in my G. had the car hibernating since halloween, took her out in Apr or May. no issues with the gas.  i added stabil becuase my G has the dreaded filler problem where i can only fill to about 80%.
Wow that would piss me off too. I use sta-bil in my gas cans over the winter. I usually have at least four 5 gallon cans for lawn equipment (yes I have lawn service but I use the crap outta leaf blower and riding lawn mower with trailer on the back haha). I have never tried Sta-bil in a vehicle though. I am pretty good about starting the car at least once a week and running it up to temp for a bit. I try to get the half mile to the gas station to fill up again on the nice winter days with NO snow and driveway is not iced over. My driveway would kill me if I backed out of the garage 2 inches on summer tires and there was .0001" of snow on the ground!