Originally Posted by Rusty
Oil pump.
I believe that the lightweight crankshaft pulleys add to the problem of the oil pump failures. The lightweight pulleys change the harmonics on the end of the crankshaft. They set-up a vibration that can't be dampened out. Since the oil pump is driven off of the front end of the crankshaft. The vibration goes into the oil pump. breaking the gears in it. Dodge Hemi's have the same set-up almost. And there have been quite afew failures of the oil pump with the light weight pulleys on them too. 
Can you post ANY relevant information on this, or is this more "Lightweight Pulleys are the debil" hearsay?
And by
relevant, I mean
at least two VQ37VHR's with lightweight pulleys and oil pump failures at 'Normal' RPMs (ie, not revved to 9K where they blew up... revved to 7500-8000 where they blew up).