Originally Posted by johncarlopang
its MT, i have no idea what you are talking about, i parked my car at work without noticing that i parked beside a sprinkler after 12 hours of work oh my god. it made a mark on my car. its hard to remove it. any recommendation of what cloth to use for cleaning the car and items for keeping the black z shiny. cause i think im making unnoticeable scratches on it.... 
Something as simple as cleaning a car can be a nightmare when you suddenly start giving a **** and had never previously. Trust me - I went through it. After much digging around, I learned about the 'Two Bucket Method'. Two buckets, one with clean water, one for cleaning your cloth. Best thing to do is YouTube it and watch four or five tutorials to get a general grasp on the common idea. I think Smoking Tire did one of the best videos because he used products you can buy anywhere, rather than these guys that recommend stuff thats hard to find/needlessly expensive.
Edit: In fact, here you go.