Tonight while coming home from a new car show (for the first time) I was on the freeway in the far left hand lane going "about" the speed limit, I see an SUV up in the distance that I believed was going slower than the posted speed limit. I'm used to people who are going slower than the car behind them to move over a lane and let the faster car by. This car didn't so as I get closer I see that the lane next to us has one car next to me but is open ahead of him, so I downshift to 5th and change lanes with a good amount of distance between myself and the suv in front of me. As soon as I pass the black suv and get ready to get back in front of him
red &
Blue Lights light light up the night sky

So I slow down until I am neck and neck with the police suv and am waiting to make eye contact with him to see where he directs me to pull over. We make eye contact, and then he turns off his lights and we continue driving neck and neck down the freeway until I come to my exit.
I've always felt that cops will look for any reason to pull someone over but tonight changed that for me

I consider myself very lucky and grateful for this cop playing it cool and just letting me go. I think that it's because I began to go over the speed limit in order to pass him but other than that was being good
Anyways that's my story tonight of my little heart attack on the way back from a new car meet