Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Oh, I'm all set bro. I started a job on the 14th. Matched my previous pay and a lot less stress!
Selling my T3 kit and all goodies I might have.
I tried to but she is the one who responded to the unemployment inquiry and put down that I resigned. I let her know I was upset that they lied about this, she didn't seem to care.

I would tell her just what you said here ^^^. call her on it. not nasty or hateful just don't let her think it doesn't matter to you, because it DOES! then drop her, she is obviously not somebody you need in your life.

on the new job! EW is right too! it's is def who you know....if you are still looking to move up tell EVERYBODY you know, talk about it all the time. something will come up.