Originally Posted by Nick@Adams
Are you referring to our products or what we charge in our detailing studio? Please expand on the "rip off" comment if you would.
Originally Posted by Nick@Adams
Understood Chuck, and we will be the last to ever enter into a pissing match.
However, we will always defend ourselves against false claims and accusations when we see them. What we don't want is someone reading a thread or post full of those claims and taking them as fact. That would be more detrimental than us defending our company.
Sorry for me mess in your thread OP.

Yes sorry OP anyone from adams please PM me to continue discussing this.
Originally Posted by Dylan@Adams
Agreed... and I'm going to not even honor his response above with a response out of respect for the OP going forward. Plus, his response pretty much poked more holes in his own arguments than my reply did LOL.
Not necessarily but please contact me if you feel the need to discuss this further.