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Old 09-04-2013, 12:27 PM   #17 (permalink)
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HAHA!! Whoa... gettin' a little heated there buddy and throwing some pretty substantial accusations around. Let me see if I can address a few of these for you:

So reformulations can't happen? Every product on the market is as good as its gonna get and can never be improved upon, reformulated, or tweaked given advances in chemistry? Wish I would have known... I'm gonna have to leave my job since its completely unnecessary and a waste of time to be the head of product development.

Nothing wrong with reformulations however when people on the forum ask if there is something better that adams offers and they are shot down its pretty poor. Example there was a thread asking about a stronger wheel cleaner and they were told that the wheal cleaner adams offers is strong enough and if needed they could use APC. What happens? Adams comes out with a high strength cleaner a year later.

It is? Perhaps you didn't spend enough time on the forums to understand this, but we never hide the fact that some (very few) products we sell are made outside of the US, but when they are we only work with companies and suppliers that provide working wages, safe working environments, and a standard of living similar to the kind we enjoy here in the US.

Just to document examples - Our aerosol chemicals are made in the US, but have to be pressurized and canned at a facility in Canada. The Flex is made in Germany. Currently clay is sourced out of Japan due to the ITW/CM patent, but that will be addressed very soon.

In China they employ people for sickeningly low money, they work in unsafe conditions, and abuse underage labor.

Can't really say the same about Germany can you? They very much enjoy living standards similar to our own... which is why a flex costs over $300 and a GG 6" can be hand for $100. Its not like the Flex is made out of alien materials unknown to other parts of the world... the labor factor in providing humane conditions is higher and is thus reflected in the price.

We sell USA whenever we can, when no reasonable alternative exists we will not source products from places like China... its a moral commitment just as much or more so than it is economic.

You can be quoted directly on the video of the new cyclo that the reason you stopped selling the PC was because the words made in china appeared on the boxes!

If you can provide that quote I'd love to read it as I believe IF it was true its being taken out of context. The Cyclo factory is literally 20 minutes from our facility and we've attempted to work with them for years now... testing tools as far back as 2008 with our products.

Earlier attempts didn't yield very good results when paired with our products and their pads. If you notice the backing plate system on our Cyclo is different than their stock one, and different than any other Cyclo sold elsewhere. We designed the new polishing system in conjunction with the Cyclo and had them adapt the tool to our plates to get the results we wanted.

3-4 years ago... yep... we weren't seeing the results we wanted from the Cyclo. Things change, our chemicals have changed, the tool has changed... given the fluidity of the technologies available is it strange to expect that my opinion could change?

The first year the flex 3401 was widely sold we weren't fans either - it had reliability issues and we didn't sell it. As the reliability issues were addressed we revisited carrying it and now sell it today b/c its now a tool we can believe in.

Most recently the rupes... I've tested with and continue to work with on a regular basis. We could easily sell it as well, but there are some questions and issues we have about it that make us not able to stand behind it with our usual lifetime tool warranty. I look forward to the next gen rupes and will evaluate it again at that time as a possible addition to our line.

Here you go! I made sure to snip it a few months back in case I ever bring up adams. As you said in this post in the hands of pros however your recommending it to new people instead of a PC

Interesting accusation, and clearly you are misinformed. I'm assuming you're referring to the recent release of our Buttery Wax update and another company timing their release. If you look at the dates we announced ours 3 days before theirs... it had been in testing development long before that (documented) If they did indeed "make" our stuff would they allow us to release it 3 days before them? Hmmmmm.

As I've said MANY times before... we are not and do not relabel anything from anyone. Our blends are all (with the exception of aerosols for VOC reasons) done here in the Denver area to our spec and recipe alone. I even invite you to come on by our warehouse so I can show you in person if you're ever in the area.

Your blends are exactly like your competitors even as junkman has reviewed.

VRT is just like VRP and even compared it many times even the smell is the same. Many other products have been compared as well.

If anyone has purchased the other product please contact me and I'll happily provide a bottle of ours FREE OF CHARGE to test side by side and see that in fact they are different.

I don't think anyone can ever claim to be the best product in every single category for every single situation. For anyone to even assume that would be ignorant.

The "BEST" product for any person is the one that works for them. Menzerna makes some great stuff, so I'm glad to hear it works for you. I have used many of their heavier compounds in the past. Perhaps reserve judgment on ALL products until you've actually tried them. As you stated, you've never even tried our new polishes yet, so how can you definitively say whats better?

You do as with your website anyone who does a VS thread on your forum it's alowed ONLY if adams is better. Anyone showing a better product than adams gets a warning and or ban and the thread is taken down. I've seen it happen many of times

Really? Hmmmm... last I checked his account was still open and his activity showed he was still logging in, just not posting. No one banned him, no one asked him to leave. We simply merged his section with everything else... if you look the content is all still up and unmolested. The links may have been changed or blocked by him, but we never removed or forced anyone out of anywhere. Be pissed if you want, but maybe get all the facts on a situation before assuming anything then spouting off as if you do.

I'm friends with him you warned him not to post anything comparing products to adams and to not argue with the admin's
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Last edited by bigaudiofanat; 09-04-2013 at 12:31 PM.
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