Originally Posted by Pheonix
Not necessarily, and maybe even then only if you put your foot down and demand it. A few weeks ago when I thought I'd found mine; it took a full day of back and forth to convince him to trailer the Z he'd found for me in, as opposed to putting 260 additional miles on it. There were other factors in, but all in all...we just couldn't come to an agreement on it.
Love the avatar pic....lol
That's be a deal-breaker for me. Either they trailer it or I walk. I'm not paying for a used, untitled car, short of them selling it to me at a used price.
I was unhappy about the 50 or so mine had on it. I wasn't concerned over my Civic having 252 miles on it, it was a 12K car. For 40K though...they should stick it in a covered trailer.