Originally Posted by axmea?
^^^You may have a point, the CSC is made of plastic components and known to fail early. zSpeed has aluminum replacements.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the OEM and ZSpeed both have a plastic bellows that travels up and down, and don't they both have O-Ring seals that travel the length of the CSC body/sleeve? So if only the base of the OEM CSC is plastic, and that doesn't fail, but the O-Rings in the sleeve go out, maybe there is something different about the ZSpeed other than not having a plastic base?
I'm not doubting the superiority of the ZSpeed CSC but is there reasonable evidence of the OEM unit failing solely because of the plastic base? All of the failed CSC's I've read about here are due to O-Ring failure and leakage. The photos I've seen of the OEM CSC show metal components (bearing, sleeve, etc.), not plastic.