Originally Posted by synolimit
Z1 started their rotors in 09. By now they're proven. I believe they said $200 for replacement so I'd of gone cheaper since it seems to happen a lot to you. But it's done now so whatever.
PS, how the hell you going to replace them? Do you own that 3 star screw bit?
I don't mean to knock Z1... But...
I think DBA is more proven because its not just ONE platform, or ONE car, and I doubt they have made or sold more than 100 sets.
Now, I know DBA some problems a few years ago, but hey, when you mass produce stuff, shít will invariably happen every once in a while. Especially when you don't know how products were BEATEN around a track.
Also, yes I have that star 3 tip screw bits! Harbor Freight FTW!!!