There are so many posts about modding cars yet as you can see no one responds to posts on actually using those mods for what they were intended for.
Once I saw an import car with it's hood open exposing/showing a ton of pipes/modifications/turbo. I was impressed so I walked over to the owner and asked how quick his car was? He looked down at me & said "I don't race it". Soon it started to rain, yet the hood stayed open for a long time. I scratched my head and realized that some people spend many thousands building cars just to open the hood
You're one of the few into drag racing. That's refreshing & I'm just not used to it. I'll just say two things then stop my past type of talking. GT-r's are all wheel drive automatics

Yes N/A cars NEED 4:08 gears, but your car is/will be far from N/A. Now I'm done
Not to waist your high H.P car you have to use slicks & drag racing wheels. I believe mine are on 15" wheels. Anyway wheels come & should be 15" or 16" to match slicks that are produced. Reason for that is that slicks have thin side walls and much rubber, as apposed to being thin. That's because the more rubber = more rubber taking the brunt of the take off, as apposed to spinning the tires or putting that pressure on the chassis.
To do that you can't use bigger, heavier, after market brake discs & calipers. First the wheels have to fit, second heavy after market discs are build for road racing or of course for showing to friends

but heavier/bigger discs, just like heavy wheels rob car's H.P.
Good luck with your venture.