Originally Posted by JARblue
I love Austin. Born and raised. There aren't many cities in the USA that I would trade it for.
Wait... I meant to say this ^^
The city reports that 115 people are moving into the Austin area every day (45 inside the city limits) 
It seems to have a pretty good music scene. I like Nashville too for the same reason. Not that I get out that much but I just like the vibe that goes with a city with a lot of live entertainment opportunities. And it's a capitol city too, like Sacramento so that would probably make it familiar to what I'm used to. I've lived in Sacratomato since I was 10 so it's all I really know even though I'm a native Texan. I'd probably have to leave on my own because I don't think I could pry the old lady out of here. She's 2nd generation Sacramentan and there are very few of those our age. Millions of folks came to northern California in the early sixties and it was hard to find a native Californian in my elementary school. I ramble ....