Originally Posted by Mike@GTM
The channel for the lower coolant line will catch a lot of the oil when removing the filter. Wipe it down with a rag like you normally would when you're done and you are good to go.
That's what I thought at first, but then edited my post when I saw the lower coolant line & thought it would pretty much fill the valley causing the oil to run elsewhere
Originally Posted by Mike@GTM
There is about 4" or so of clearance between the crankshaft and the top of our baffle. The crankshaft barely protrudes below the main caps and on top of that, there is the upper oil pan before our lower oil pan. See the attached pics for an illustration.
As for the baffles preventing a full drain, it is better than the stock pan for sure. Take a look at the pictures we posted of the factory oil pan and you can clearly see all the places where oil will not be able to drain from. The floor of our oil pan is flat in comparison and only a very small amount of residue will remain when you do an oil change compared to the factory pan.
I was sure you had some clearance in there somewhere, but it just looked tight looking at the pan & baffles alone. I am new to this platform & I really appreciate the illistrations
That crank is really stuffed up there.
Originally Posted by 7419sundat
Can we buy these yet?
What he said, but with the caveat of them being instock
as I see them on the web site