Originally Posted by DEpointfive0
Lol, well, if you're not doing snap gear changes or at too high of a rev into 5th,
You have a SERIOUS problem, and I'm not sure it's just tires, a sensor must be off somewhere or something.
It should be damn near impossible to spin the wheels in 5th, and much less so if you're lazily shifting into 5th at like 45 MPH without mashing the pedal between changes.
Then again, if you're saying its 30 degrees outside, it may not be cold tires, maybe you hit a patch of thin black ice or something similar?
LOL I said under the right conditions. 30F, cold tires, in 5th. Not knowing the road. Take a decreasing radius on ramp at too high of speed. As I shifted into 5th. The turn tighen up.

Only doing about 55 mph.