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Old 08-27-2013, 11:18 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Is my oil cooler overkill for the street?

So I recently had my Z1 19-row cooler installed and it includes the Sandwich Plate. It's taking around 20 minutes for the temp to get up to 180 degrees in 80 degree weather. Once it gets there it's stable at about 190 degrees. Considering I shouldn't romp on the car until it gets to at least 180 degrees, it kinda sucks it's taking so long to reach this minimum temp. How long is it taking the rest of you guys to hit 180 with a similar setup as me? Should it be taking this long considering I have a sandwich plate?
'10 370z -- '09 Ducati 848 -- '05 Kawasaki 636 Track Bike -- '02 Sentra SE-R Spec V
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