Originally Posted by fonzo179
(OFF TOPIC...as always) Sorry everybody. I just realized I have 4 days until the weekend, and then I got sad  and all "fvck my life".
But then I realized I'm sad because I had an AWESOME time drinking beer till I hated myself and watching football this weekend
Hope you all are surviving your Monday morning 

fonzo - hang in there! my weekend went by in a flash too... it was all good, only one bad. i frikken dropped a heavy wooden stool on my foot while i was changing the batteries on my smoke detectors.

i had a box of batteries in my had while moving the stool and (im a pretty clumsy guy)... the stool slipped out of my hand. bang!

but i was able to motor my cars fine so
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
good morning kenchan!!!!

EW! hey, walmart treated me goodly over the weekened.
Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 LOL! acronym h3ll in here sometimes!! we need a full time translator!
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
I can smell success in the air... 